How to concurrently execute an array of asynchronous functions (promises)?

To concurrently execute an array of asynchronous functions, we first create an async function named asyncTask. This function returns a promise and simulates a task that resolves after a random time or rejects it with an error if a certain condition is met. Here's how you can define the asyncTask function:

const asyncTask = () => {

    const randomTime = Math.floor( Math.random() * 10)
    return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            if(randomTime < 5) {
                reject(`Error ${randomTime}`)
            }else {
                resolve(randomTime * 1000)
        }, randomTime *1000) 

If we have to execute this asyncTask . We will execute it like this.

asyncTask().then((val) => {
}).catch((error) => {

Let's create an array that contains many asyncTask which we are going to execute in parallel.

const tasks = [

Next, we can create a function called asyncParallel that will execute these tasks in parallel and collect the results and errors in arrays. This function takes a callback as an argument, which will provide both the error list and the successful results:

const asyncParallel = (task,callback) => {
    const results = [];
    const errors = [];

    // we are having this complete variable to track that only when all the task
    // is complete we will invoke callback.
    let completed = 0; 

    // let's start executing the promises.
    tasks.forEach(task => {
        task.then((val) => {
        }).catch((error) => {
        }).finally(() => {
            if(completed >=  tasks.length) {


Finally, we can execute all the tasks in the tasks array concurrently using the asyncParallel function and receive the error and result arrays in the provided callback:

asyncParallel(tasks,(error,result) => {

This code allows you to execute asynchronous tasks concurrently and collect their results and errors for further processing.

There are also some built-in methods like promise.all of which can help us execute async tasks in parallel but that will give different results. we will discuss those in some other articles.

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